Quick Easy Naan Bread

Quick Easy Naan Bread

We love eating curries in our home and never seem to have enough Naan Bread.  So I decided to make my own authentic style flat bread.  This is quick and easy and is ideal for dipping into your favourite Indian or Middle Eastern meal.Ingredients:1 Tsp Dry...
My Girls

My Girls

Here is yet another photo of my chickens.  Peony, Petunia and Primrose. (long story) They are happy and easy to train.  They have brought a lot of joy to our home.  And Eggs!!! 108 in  fact but who’s counting.One of my favourite things to do...
Potted Colour

Potted Colour

Pot up some flowers and disguise the pots in some nice planters. These allow you to move the flowers around easily so you can bring colour to wherever you are sitting.  This is an easy way to brighten up those cold areas around the home.  If you are having...
Take a Walk

Take a Walk

Meeting a girlfriend for coffee and cake is one of my favourite things to do.  But why not go walking together occasionally?  You’ll find that you talk about different things entirely and feel good about yourself.  This is healthy for both body...
Lime Puree

Lime Puree

Have you had a bumper crop of limes or like me was given a bag with about 3kg in it.  What do you do?  You may want to make a heap of Mojitos of Margaritas  OR  find a fast use for all of them. You can make a lime base good for any number of uses....
Felt & Hot Glue

Felt & Hot Glue

This is a light that I bought a while ago.  I bought it because it is functional but I hated it and hid it out of view.  Then one day I had a “light bulb” moment and after a quick spray paint job, some felt and help from my friend (the hot glue...